Unconscious Conflicts

Group: 4 #group-4


  • Anxiety: Unconscious conflicts can manifest as anxiety or other psychological symptoms.
  • Rationalization: Rationalization is a defense mechanism that involves creating justifications for unacceptable thoughts or behaviors.
  • Freudian Psychology: Freudian psychology emphasizes the role of unconscious conflicts and their impact on behavior and mental processes.
  • Intrapsychic Conflict: Intrapsychic conflict refers to the internal psychological struggles and unconscious conflicts within an individual.
  • Suppression: Suppression is a defense mechanism that involves consciously pushing away unwanted thoughts or feelings.
  • Denial: Denial is a defense mechanism that involves refusing to acknowledge unacceptable thoughts or feelings.
  • Unresolved Trauma: Unresolved trauma from past experiences can lead to unconscious conflicts and psychological distress.
  • Repression: Repression is a defense mechanism that involves pushing unacceptable thoughts or desires into the unconscious mind.
  • Psychological Defense: Unconscious conflicts can trigger various psychological defense mechanisms as a way to cope with anxiety or distress.
  • Psychoanalysis: Psychoanalysis focuses on uncovering and resolving unconscious conflicts that contribute to psychological distress and maladaptive behaviors.
  • Projection: Projection is a defense mechanism where unconscious impulses or traits are attributed to others.
  • Psychoanalysis: Psychoanalysis aims to uncover and resolve unconscious conflicts through techniques like free association and dream analysis.
  • Emotional Baggage: Unresolved unconscious conflicts can contribute to emotional baggage and psychological issues.
  • Subconscious Mind: Unconscious conflicts reside in the subconscious mind, outside of conscious awareness.
  • Internal Struggles: Unconscious conflicts represent internal struggles between different aspects of the psyche.
  • Displacement: Displacement is a defense mechanism where emotions are redirected towards a substitute target.
  • Psychodynamic Theory: Psychodynamic theory, developed by Freud, emphasizes the role of unconscious conflicts and their impact on personality and behavior.
  • Ego Defense Mechanisms: Ego defense mechanisms are unconscious strategies employed by the ego to protect itself from unacceptable impulses or anxiety.
  • Defense Mechanisms: Defense mechanisms are unconscious strategies used to protect the ego from anxiety or unacceptable impulses.
  • Unconscious Desires: Unconscious conflicts often arise from unconscious desires or impulses that are unacceptable to the conscious mind.