
Group: 4 #group-4


  • AI Alignment: AI alignment refers to the challenge of ensuring that the goals and behaviors of superintelligent systems are aligned with human values and interests.
  • Cognitive Superintelligence: Cognitive superintelligence refers to a superintelligent system that surpasses human cognitive abilities.
  • Existential Risk: The development of superintelligence is sometimes considered a potential existential risk to humanity if not properly controlled or aligned with human values.
  • Artificial Intelligence Takeover: The hypothetical scenario where AI systems become vastly more intelligent than humans, potentially leading to a takeover.
  • Neural Networks: Neural networks are a type of machine learning model that could potentially be used to create superintelligent systems.
  • AI Control Problem: The AI control problem is the challenge of ensuring that superintelligent systems remain under meaningful human control and do not cause unintended harm.
  • AI Ethics: AI ethics is concerned with the ethical implications and considerations surrounding the development and use of advanced AI systems, including superintelligent systems.
  • Friendly AI: Friendly AI is a concept that aims to ensure that superintelligent systems are aligned with human values and interests, and remain beneficial to humanity.
  • Technological Singularity: The technological singularity is often associated with the emergence of superintelligent systems that surpass human intelligence.
  • Recursive Self-Improvement: Recursive self-improvement is the hypothetical ability of an advanced AI system to recursively improve its own intelligence, potentially leading to superintelligence.
  • AI Risk: AI risk refers to the potential risks and challenges associated with the development and deployment of advanced AI systems, including the risk of superintelligent systems posing existential threats to humanity.
  • Transhumanism: Superintelligence is a concept often discussed in the context of transhumanism, the idea of using technology to enhance human capabilities.
  • AI Governance: AI governance refers to the policies, regulations, and frameworks needed to govern the development and use of advanced AI systems, including potential superintelligent systems.
  • Instrumental Convergence: Instrumental convergence is a concern for the development of superintelligent AI systems that may optimize for unintended or misaligned goals.
  • AI Safety: AI safety is a field that focuses on ensuring that advanced AI systems, including potential superintelligent systems, are developed and deployed in a safe and controlled manner.
  • Artificial General Intelligence: Artificial general intelligence (AGI) is a hypothetical form of AI that can match or exceed human intelligence across a wide range of cognitive tasks, and is often considered a prerequisite for superintelligence.
  • Desiring-Machines: Desiring-machines that surpass human intelligence in all domains are referred to as superintelligent, raising concerns about their potential impact.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Superintelligence is a hypothetical form of artificial intelligence that vastly surpasses human intelligence.
  • Intelligence Explosion: An intelligence explosion is a hypothetical scenario where a superintelligent system rapidly improves itself in a recursive feedback loop, leading to an exponential increase in intelligence.
  • Narrow AI: Narrow AI refers to AI systems that are designed to perform specific tasks, in contrast to superintelligent systems that would have general intelligence capabilities.
  • Singularity: The singularity is often associated with the emergence of superintelligent artificial intelligence that surpasses human intelligence.
  • Machine Learning: Machine learning techniques could potentially lead to the development of superintelligent systems.
  • Technological Singularity: The development of superintelligence is often associated with the concept of a technological singularity, a hypothetical point in time when technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible.
  • Singularity: The singularity is often associated with the emergence of superintelligent AI systems that surpass human intelligence.
  • Seed AI: A seed AI is a hypothetical AI system that is initially less capable than humans but can recursively improve itself to become superintelligent.