
Group: 4 #group-4


  • Aggregate: Aggregating means considering the entirety or complete set of items.
  • Inclusiveness: Inclusiveness refers to the quality of including or encompassing all parts or elements within a whole.
  • Wholeness: Wholeness is the state of being complete or entire, with all parts or elements forming an integrated whole.
  • Whole: Entirety refers to the complete or total thing, while whole refers to something that is not divided or lacking any part.
  • Consolidation: Consolidation refers to the process of making something entire or complete by combining or uniting its parts.
  • Integrity: Integrity implies the state of being entire or complete, with all parts intact and unimpaired.
  • Comprehensiveness: Comprehensiveness implies including or encompassing all parts or elements, without any omissions.
  • Solidarity: Solidarity implies the state of being entire or unified, with all parts cohering together.
  • Unity: Unity refers to the state of being one or entire, with all parts forming a coherent whole.
  • Unification: Unification is the process of combining or integrating parts into a single, entire whole.
  • Indivisibility: Indivisibility refers to the quality of being unable to be divided or separated into parts.
  • Coherence: Coherence refers to the quality of being logically or naturally integrated and consistent as a whole.
  • Undividedness: Undividedness implies the state of being entire or complete, without any division or separation.
  • Fullness: Fullness refers to the state of being complete or entire, without any deficiency or lack.
  • Totality: Totality is the state of being entire or complete, encompassing all parts or elements.
  • Oneness: Oneness implies the state of being a single, entire, or unified whole.
  • Completeness: Entirety implies the state of being complete or whole, without any part missing.
  • Integrality: Integrality refers to the quality of being entire or complete, with all parts forming an integral whole.
  • Unbrokenness: Unbrokenness implies the state of being entire or complete, without any breaks or interruptions.
  • Singularity: Singularity refers to the state of being unique, entire, or undivided.