
Group: 3 #group-3


  • Transformation: Metamorphosis is a profound transformation, often used to describe a complete change in form or nature.
  • Chrysalis: The chrysalis is a key stage in the metamorphosis of butterflies.
  • Regeneration: Metamorphosis is a profound change or transformation, often used to describe the regeneration or transformation of an organism into a different form.
  • Rebirth: Metamorphosis is a profound change or transformation, which is often associated with the concept of rebirth.
  • Kafka: Franz Kafka’s novella ‘The Metamorphosis’ explores themes of transformation and alienation.
  • Alteration: Metamorphosis is a profound or complete alteration or transformation.
  • Growth: Metamorphosis is often associated with growth and maturation.
  • Adaptation: Metamorphosis can be an adaptation to changing environments or circumstances.
  • Transformation: Metamorphosis is a type of profound transformation.
  • Evolving: Evolving can involve a metamorphosis, a profound change in form or structure.
  • Metamorphic Rock: In geology, metamorphic rock is formed through the metamorphosis of existing rock types.
  • Change: Metamorphosis involves a significant change in form or structure.
  • Personal Growth: Metamorphosis is often associated with personal growth and self-discovery.
  • Transition: A transition can represent a complete metamorphosis or transformation from one form to another.
  • Conversion: Conversion can involve a profound metamorphosis or complete change in form or character.
  • Mythology: Metamorphosis is a common theme in various mythological traditions.
  • Renewal: Metamorphosis is often associated with renewal and regeneration.
  • Change: A complete or dramatic change can be described as a metamorphosis.
  • Identity Shift: Metamorphosis can involve a significant shift in one’s identity or sense of self.
  • Reinvention: Reinvention is a profound metamorphosis or transformation.
  • Butterfly: The butterfly is a common symbol of metamorphosis.
  • Transition: Metamorphosis represents a transitional phase between different states or forms.
  • Rebirth: Metamorphosis can be seen as a symbolic rebirth or emergence into a new form.
  • Caterpillar: The caterpillar undergoes metamorphosis to become a butterfly.
  • Incarnation: Metamorphosis is a profound change in form or structure, which can be seen as a type of incarnation
  • Inner Transformation: Inner transformation can be likened to a metamorphosis, or a profound change in one’s nature or character.
  • Becoming: Becoming can involve a profound metamorphosis, a complete change in form or nature.
  • Alchemy: In alchemy, metamorphosis symbolizes the transformation of base metals into gold.
  • Evolution: Metamorphosis is a process of gradual evolution and development.
  • Spiritual Transformation: Metamorphosis can represent a spiritual transformation or awakening.
  • Unfolding: Unfolding can be used to describe a profound or dramatic metamorphosis or transformation.
  • Ovid: Ovid’s ‘Metamorphoses’ is a famous collection of mythological stories involving transformations.
  • Becoming: Becoming can be likened to a metamorphosis, where a profound and radical change takes place.
  • Transition: A transition can be a metamorphosis or complete change of physical form, structure, or substance.