Molecular Electronics

Group: 4 #group-4


  • Molecular Switches: Molecular switches are molecules that can reversibly switch between two or more stable states, enabling molecular-scale switching devices.
  • Nanoelectronics: Molecular electronics is a branch of nanoelectronics that deals with the use of molecular building blocks for electronic components and devices.
  • Self-Assembly: Self-assembly is a key principle in molecular electronics, where molecules spontaneously organize into ordered structures or patterns.
  • Molecular Logic Gates: Molecular logic gates are molecular-scale devices that perform logical operations, enabling the implementation of molecular-scale digital circuits.
  • Molecular Robotics: Molecular electronics is a related field that explores the use of molecular components for electronic devices and circuits, which could be integrated with molecular robots.
  • Molecular Revolution: Molecular Electronics aims to develop electronic components and devices at the molecular scale, a key area of the Molecular Revolution.
  • Molecular Wires: Molecular wires are molecular structures that can transport electrical charges, enabling molecular-scale electronic circuits.
  • Molecular Sensors: Molecular sensors are devices that use molecules to detect and respond to specific chemical or physical stimuli.
  • Molecular Manufacturing: Molecular electronics is a field that aims to develop electronic devices and circuits using molecular components, which could be enabled by molecular manufacturing techniques.
  • Bottom-Up Fabrication: Bottom-up fabrication is a molecular-scale manufacturing approach that builds devices from molecular components, in contrast to traditional top-down methods.
  • Quantum Computing: Molecular electronics has potential applications in quantum computing, where molecular systems could be used to implement quantum bits (qubits) and quantum logic gates.
  • Molecular Memories: Molecular memories are molecular-based data storage devices that can store and retrieve information at the molecular level.
  • Molecular Revolution: Molecular electronics aims to create electronic devices and circuits using individual molecules as components.
  • Molecular Transistors: Molecular transistors are molecular-scale devices that can amplify or switch electronic signals, enabling molecular-scale integrated circuits.
  • Molecular Machines: Molecular electronics is the field that deals with the use of molecular machines for electronic applications.