
Group: 4 #group-4


  • Stigmergy: Stigmergy is a form of self-organization where individuals coordinate their actions through modifications to their environment.
  • Collective Behavior: Collective behavior, such as flocking or swarming, is a form of self-organization observed in many natural and artificial systems.
  • Self-regulation: Self-organizing systems often exhibit self-regulation, where they maintain their organization and adapt to changes in the environment.
  • Autopoiesis: Autopoiesis, or self-creation, is a form of self-organization where a system produces and maintains itself.
  • Cybernetics: Cybernetics, the study of control and communication in systems, has contributed to the understanding of self-organizing processes.
  • Emergence: Self-organization is a process where patterns or structures emerge spontaneously from local interactions, without external control or coordination.
  • Swarm Intelligence: Swarm intelligence is a form of self-organization observed in decentralized systems, such as ant colonies or bird flocks.
  • Complex Systems: Self-organization is a key principle in the study of complex systems, where order arises spontaneously from local interactions.
  • Emergence: Emergence is a result of self-organizing processes, where order arises spontaneously from local interactions.
  • Decentralized Systems: Decentralized systems, such as peer-to-peer networks or blockchain, often exhibit self-organizing behavior.
  • Self-assembly: Self-assembly is a form of self-organization where components spontaneously organize into ordered structures or patterns.
  • Dissipative Structures: Dissipative structures are self-organizing patterns that arise in open systems far from equilibrium, such as convection cells.
  • Emergence: Self-organization often leads to the emergence of complex patterns or behaviors from simple interactions.
  • Chaos Theory: Chaos theory studies the behavior of dynamical systems that are highly sensitive to initial conditions, which can lead to self-organization.
  • Adaptation: Self-organizing systems can adapt to changes in their environment, leading to the emergence of new structures or behaviors.
  • Nonlinear Dynamics: Nonlinear dynamics is the study of systems that exhibit complex, often chaotic behavior, which can lead to self-organization.
  • Self-organized Criticality: Self-organized criticality is a phenomenon where complex systems naturally evolve to a critical state, exhibiting self-organization and power-law behavior.
  • Fractals: Fractals are self-similar patterns that often arise from self-organizing processes in nature.
  • Cellular Automata: Cellular automata are mathematical models that can exhibit self-organizing behavior, often leading to complex patterns from simple rules.
  • Spontaneous Order: Self-organization is a process that leads to spontaneous order, where patterns or structures emerge without external control.
  • Complexity Theory: Complexity theory studies the behavior of complex systems, including self-organizing phenomena.