
Group: 4 #group-4


  • War: War causes widespread destruction of property, infrastructure, and lives.
  • Violence: Violence often leads to or involves destruction.
  • Damage: Damage is the partial destruction or impairment of something.
  • Demolishment: Demolishment is the act of demolishing or destroying something, especially a building.
  • Desolation: Desolation is a state of complete destruction or devastation.
  • War Machine: War Machine is designed for destructive purposes in warfare.
  • Armageddon: Armageddon is a biblical term referring to the final battle and destruction of the world.
  • Devastation: Devastation is the act of destroying or being destroyed.
  • Violence: Violence often involves the destruction of property or lives.
  • Disintegration: Disintegration is the process of breaking up or destroying something into smaller parts.
  • Apocalypse: An apocalypse is a catastrophic event that causes widespread destruction or the end of the world.
  • Obliteration: Obliteration is the complete destruction or wiping out of something.
  • Decay: Decay is the gradual destruction or deterioration of something over time.
  • Extinction: Extinction is the complete destruction or dying out of a species.
  • Cataclysm: A cataclysm is a violent and destructive event or disaster.
  • Annihilation: Annihilation is the complete destruction or obliteration of something.
  • Chaos: Chaos often results from or accompanies destruction.
  • Demolition: Demolition is the intentional destruction of buildings or structures.
  • Ruin: Ruin is the state of being destroyed or falling into decay.
  • Havoc: Havoc is widespread destruction or chaos.
  • Warfare: Warfare can lead to the destruction of property, infrastructure, and loss of life.
  • Catastrophe: A catastrophe is a sudden and widespread destruction or disaster.