
Group: 4 #group-4


  • Disorder: A jumble is a state of disorder or untidiness.
  • Shuffle: To jumble is to shuffle or mix things up in a random order.
  • Mess: A jumble is a messy or disorderly collection of things.
  • Confusion: A jumble is a confused or disordered mixture.
  • Disorganization: A jumble is a state of disorganization or lack of order.
  • Hodgepodge: A jumble is a hodgepodge or confused mixture of different things.
  • Medley: A medley can be seen as a jumble or disorderly mixture of different elements or components.
  • Chaos: A jumble can lead to a state of chaos or complete disorder.
  • Muddle: A jumble is a muddled or confused state of things.
  • Disarray: A jumble is a state of disarray or untidy disorder.
  • Grab Bag: The items in a grab bag are often a jumble
  • Anagram: An anagram is a word or phrase formed by jumbling the letters of another word or phrase.
  • Clutter: A jumble is a cluttered or disorganized collection of things.
  • Tangle: A jumble can involve things being tangled or intertwined in a disorderly way.
  • Miscellany: A jumble is a confused or disorderly mixture, which a miscellany can sometimes resemble.
  • Jumble Sale: A jumble sale is a sale of second-hand goods in a jumbled or disorderly state.
  • Salmagundi: A salmagundi is a jumble or confused mixture of different items.
  • Confusion: A jumble can cause confusion or lack of order.
  • Scramble: To jumble is to scramble or mix things up in a disorderly way.
  • Motley: Motley implies a jumble or confused mixture of different elements, so it is related to jumble, which means a disorderly or untidy collection.
  • Miscellany: A jumble is a confused mixture or miscellany of different things.