
Group: 3 #group-3


  • Taoism: Taoism, with its emphasis on the interconnectedness of all things, has panentheistic undertones.
  • Emanationism: Emanationism has been associated with panentheistic worldviews, which view the universe as being within and emanating from the divine, but not identical to it.
  • Pantheism: Panentheism is a related concept where the divine includes but also transcends the universe.
  • Universe: Panentheism sees the universe as being within God, but God is not limited to the universe.
  • Spirituality: Panentheism is often associated with spiritual or mystical traditions.
  • Monism: Panentheism is a form of monism, which sees all reality as interconnected and unified.
  • Holism: Panentheism is a holistic philosophy that sees all of reality as interconnected within the divine.
  • Kabbalah: Panentheistic ideas can be found in the Kabbalah, a mystical tradition within Judaism.
  • Mysticism: Panentheism is often associated with mystical traditions that seek union with the divine.
  • Transcendence: Panentheism also recognizes the transcendence of God beyond the universe.
  • Process Philosophy: Panentheism has been influenced by process philosophy, which views reality as dynamic and ever-changing.
  • Immanence: Panentheism is the belief that the divine or ultimate reality is both immanent within the universe and transcendent beyond it, encompassing but not being limited to the material world.
  • Immanent Transcendence: Panentheism, the belief that the divine is both immanent within the universe and transcendent beyond it, is closely related to immanent transcendence.
  • God: Panentheism views God as being present within the universe, but also transcending it.
  • Immanence: Panentheism is a belief that the divine is both immanent within the universe and transcendent beyond it, combining elements of immanence and transcendence.
  • Pantheism: Panentheism, the belief that the divine includes but transcends the universe, is closely related to pantheism.
  • Neoplatonism: Panentheism has roots in Neoplatonic thought, which saw the universe as emanating from the One.
  • Immanence: Panentheism is a belief that the divine is both immanent within the universe and transcendent beyond it, combining elements of both immanence and transcendence.
  • Pantheism: Panentheism is distinct from pantheism, which equates God with the universe itself.
  • Indigenous Religions: Many indigenous religions have panentheistic worldviews, seeing the divine as present in nature.
  • Hinduism: Panentheistic concepts are present in some Hindu philosophies, such as Advaita Vedanta.
  • Immanence: Panentheism emphasizes the immanence of God within the universe.
  • Emanationism: Panentheism has similarities with emanationist philosophies, which see reality as emanating from a divine source.
  • Buddhism: Certain Buddhist traditions, like Vajrayana Buddhism, have panentheistic elements.
  • Interconnectedness: Panentheism emphasizes the interconnectedness of all things within the divine reality.
  • Theism: Panentheism is a form of theism, which believes in the existence of a divine being or God.