Grab Bag

Group: 4 #group-4


  • Surprise: The contents of a grab bag are often a surprise
  • Potpourri: A grab bag is a potpourri of different things
  • Eclectic: The contents of a grab bag are eclectic
  • Variety: A grab bag contains a variety of items
  • Mixed Bag: A grab bag is a mixed bag of different things
  • Diversity: A grab bag contains a diversity of items
  • Assortment: A grab bag is an assortment of different items
  • Medley: A grab bag is a medley of different things
  • Jumble: The items in a grab bag are often a jumble
  • Hodgepodge: A grab bag is a hodgepodge of various items
  • Random Selection: Items in a grab bag are typically a random selection
  • Miscellany: A grab bag is a miscellaneous collection or miscellany of different things.
  • Miscellany: A grab bag is a miscellaneous assortment of various items, similar to a miscellany.
  • Miscellaneous: A grab bag contains miscellaneous items
  • Melange: A grab bag is a melange of different things
  • Motley: A grab bag is a motley assortment