Feedback Loops

Group: 4 #group-4


  • Cybernetic Epistemology: Feedback loops are a central concept in cybernetic epistemology, as they explain how systems self-regulate and adapt.
  • Cybernetic Principles: Feedback loops are a central concept in cybernetics, enabling systems to self-regulate and adapt.
  • Interconnectivity: Feedback loops are a key feature of interconnected systems, where outputs influence inputs in a cyclical manner.
  • Nonlinearity: Nonlinear feedback loops can amplify or dampen effects in a system, leading to complex dynamics and potential instabilities.
  • Cybernetic Modeling: Feedback loops are a central concept in cybernetic modeling, as they allow systems to self-regulate and adapt to changes in their environment.
  • Cybernetics: Feedback loops are a central concept in cybernetics, describing how systems self-regulate through circular causality.
  • Gaia Hypothesis: The Gaia Hypothesis involves complex feedback loops between living organisms and their physical environment, which help maintain a stable and habitable planet.