Discourse Analysis

Group: 4 #group-4


  • Subaltern Studies: Subaltern Studies employs discourse analysis to deconstruct and critique dominant discourses and representations of subaltern groups.
  • Linguistic Turn: Discourse analysis, the study of language in use, emerged as a field influenced by the linguistic turn and its emphasis on the social and cultural dimensions of language.
  • Immanent Critique: Immanent critique often employs discourse analysis to examine the power relations and ideologies embedded within language and communication.
  • Critical Theory: Critical theory utilizes discourse analysis to examine how language and discourses construct and reinforce power relations.
  • Orientalism: Orientalism is often studied through discourse analysis, which examines the language, imagery, and narratives used to construct and perpetuate orientalist representations.
  • Phallogocentrism: Discourse analysis can be used to examine and critique phallogocentric assumptions in language and texts.
  • Metanarratives: Discourse analysis can be used to examine the language and rhetoric employed in metanarratives.
  • Poststructuralism: Poststructuralists use discourse analysis to examine how language and power are intertwined.
  • Poststructuralism: Poststructuralists employ discourse analysis to examine how language and discourse construct meaning and power relations.
  • Textual Analysis: Discourse analysis is a method used in textual analysis to study the use of language in social contexts.
  • French Theory: French Theory employs discourse analysis to understand how language shapes and is shaped by power structures.