Molecular Machines

Group: 4 #group-4


  • Molecular Switches: Molecular switches are molecular machines that can toggle between two or more states in response to external stimuli.
  • Molecular Sensors: Molecular sensors are molecular machines that can detect and respond to specific molecules or stimuli.
  • Molecular Robotics: Molecular robotics is the field that deals with the design and construction of molecular robots.
  • Molecular Devices: Molecular devices are devices or components constructed from molecular machines.
  • Molecular Robots: Molecular robots are molecular machines designed to perform specific tasks or functions autonomously.
  • Molecular Assemblers: Molecular assemblers are hypothetical molecular machines capable of building molecular structures atom by atom.
  • Protein Machines: Protein machines are molecular machines composed of proteins, such as molecular motors and enzymes.
  • Nanomachines: Nanomachines are a type of molecular machine operating at the nanoscale.
  • Molecular Nanotechnology: Molecular nanotechnology is the field that deals with the design, synthesis, and application of molecular machines.
  • Molecular Computers: Molecular computers are molecular machines that can perform computational tasks using molecular components.
  • Molecular Nanostructures: Molecular nanostructures are nanostructures constructed from molecular machines or components.
  • Biomolecular Machines: Biomolecular machines are molecular machines found in living organisms, such as enzymes and molecular motors.
  • Quaternary Structure: Many molecular machines, such as ribosomes and chaperones, have quaternary structures essential for their function.
  • Molecular Valves: Molecular valves are molecular machines that can control the flow of molecules or energy.
  • Molecular Manufacturing: Molecular machines are the building blocks of molecular manufacturing, capable of performing mechanical, chemical, or computational operations at the molecular scale.
  • Molecular Revolution: The development of molecular machines, such as molecular motors and switches, is a key goal of the Molecular Revolution.
  • Molecular Motors: Molecular motors are molecular machines that convert chemical energy into mechanical work.
  • Nanorobotics: Nanorobotics is the field that deals with the design and construction of robots at the nanoscale, often using molecular machines.
  • DNA Machines: DNA machines are molecular machines constructed from DNA molecules, capable of performing various functions.
  • Folding in Nature: Folded proteins can act as molecular machines, performing various functions within cells.
  • Molecular Manufacturing: Molecular manufacturing is the concept of using molecular machines to build complex structures and devices.
  • Molecular Robotics: Molecular robots are a type of molecular machine, which are devices that perform specific tasks at the molecular level.
  • Molecular Revolution: The Molecular Revolution envisions the development of molecular-scale machines and devices.
  • Molecular Machinery: Molecular machinery refers to the collective molecular machines found in living organisms or engineered systems.
  • Molecular Electronics: Molecular electronics is the field that deals with the use of molecular machines for electronic applications.