
Group: 4 #group-4


  • Shared: Collectives are characterized by shared resources, responsibilities, or experiences.
  • Collective Consciousness: Collectives can develop a shared consciousness or understanding among their members.
  • Collective Memory: Collectives often develop a shared collective memory of their experiences and history.
  • Collective Bargaining: Collectives, such as labor unions, engage in collective bargaining to negotiate terms and conditions.
  • Community: A collective can refer to a community of people with shared values, beliefs, or goals.
  • Collective Security: Collectives can provide collective security and protection for their members.
  • Collective Responsibility: Members of a collective share collective responsibility for their actions and decisions.
  • Collective Action: Collectives often engage in collective action to achieve their goals or address common concerns.
  • Collective Efficacy: Collectives can develop a sense of collective efficacy, or belief in their ability to achieve their goals.
  • Collective Identity: Members of a collective often develop a shared collective identity.
  • Cooperative: Collectives often involve cooperative efforts and decision-making processes.
  • Collective Ownership: Some collectives practice collective ownership of resources or means of production.
  • Collective Intelligence: Collectives can harness the collective intelligence and knowledge of their members.
  • Solidarity: Collectives foster a sense of solidarity and mutual support among their members.
  • Unity: Collectives promote a sense of unity and togetherness among their members.
  • Group: A collective is a group of individuals united by a common interest or purpose.
  • Gathering: A collective is a group or gathering of people or things.
  • Collective Behavior: Collectives exhibit collective behavior patterns that emerge from their interactions.
  • Collaboration: Collectives often involve collaboration and joint efforts towards a common goal.
  • Teamwork: Effective collectives rely on teamwork and coordination among their members.