
Group: 4 #group-4


  • French Theory: Derrida’s concept of phallogocentrism critiques the patriarchal and logocentric biases in Western thought.
  • Phallocentrism: Phallogocentrism is closely related to phallocentrism, which privileges the male perspective as the center or norm.
  • Logocentrism: Logocentrism, the privileging of speech and reason, is a key component of phallogocentrism.
  • Deconstruction: Deconstruction, as proposed by Jacques Derrida, aims to challenge and dismantle phallogocentric assumptions in Western thought.
  • Différance: Différance is connected to Derrida’s critique of phallogocentrism, which refers to the privileging of the masculine and the logos in Western thought.
  • Patriarchy: Phallogocentrism is rooted in patriarchal systems that privilege male perspectives and experiences.
  • Western Metaphysics: Phallogocentrism is deeply embedded in Western metaphysical traditions, which have historically been dominated by male perspectives.
  • Discourse Analysis: Discourse analysis can be used to examine and critique phallogocentric assumptions in language and texts.
  • Feminist Theory: Feminist theorists have extensively critiqued phallogocentrism and its marginalization of women’s perspectives and experiences.
  • Poststructuralism: Poststructuralist thinkers, like Derrida, have challenged phallogocentric assumptions in Western thought.
  • Binary Oppositions: Phallogocentrism reinforces binary oppositions, such as male/female, reason/emotion, which privilege the former over the latter.
  • Power Structures: Phallogocentrism is intertwined with power structures that privilege male perspectives and marginalize others.
  • Language: Phallogocentrism is deeply embedded in language and discourse, which often reflect and perpetuate male-centric perspectives.
  • Jacques Derrida: Jacques Derrida, a prominent philosopher, critiqued phallogocentrism and its influence on Western metaphysics.
  • Gender Bias: Phallogocentrism perpetuates gender biases by centering male perspectives as the norm.
  • Logocentrism: Phallogocentrism is a form of logocentrism, which privileges the spoken word and reason over writing and marginalized perspectives.