Point Groups

Group: 4 #group-4


  • Group Theory: Point groups are studied and classified using the principles of group theory.
  • Crystallography: Point groups are used to describe the symmetry of crystal structures in crystallography.
  • Proper Rotations: Proper rotations are symmetry operations included in point groups.
  • Symmetry Operations: Point groups classify the symmetry operations of a molecule or crystal.
  • Reflection Planes: Point groups can include reflection planes as symmetry elements.
  • Spectroscopy: Point groups are used to predict and interpret molecular spectra in spectroscopy.
  • Rotation Axes: Point groups are defined by their rotation axes and other symmetry elements.
  • Character Tables: Character tables are used to represent the symmetry operations of a point group.
  • Solid State Physics: Point groups are important in understanding the properties of solids in solid state physics.
  • Hermann-Mauguin Notation: Hermann-Mauguin notation is another way to represent point groups, commonly used in crystallography.
  • Inversion Centers: Point groups can include inversion centers as symmetry elements.
  • Quantum Mechanics: Point groups are used in quantum mechanical calculations and descriptions of molecular systems.
  • Improper Rotations: Improper rotations, which include inversion, are symmetry operations included in point groups.
  • Schönflies Notation: Schönflies notation is a common way to represent point groups.
  • Molecular Geometry: Point groups are used to describe the overall symmetry of molecular geometries.
  • Fold Symmetry: Fold symmetry is used to determine the point group of a molecule.