Group: 4 #group-4
- Chemical Engineering: Chemical engineering deals with the design, operation, and optimization of processes involving compounds and chemical reactions.
- Chemical Reaction: Compounds can be formed or broken down through chemical reactions.
- Mixture: A compound is a type of mixture, where two or more elements are chemically combined in a fixed ratio.
- Chemical Equilibrium: Compounds can participate in chemical equilibrium processes, where their concentrations reach a dynamic balance.
- Chemical Element: Compounds are made up of two or more different chemical elements.
- Chemical Substance: A compound is a specific type of chemical substance, consisting of two or more different elements chemically bonded together.
- Chemical Analysis: Chemical analysis techniques are used to identify and characterize compounds.
- Chemical Formula: Compounds have specific chemical formulas that represent their composition and structure.
- Chemical Kinetics: The rates of chemical reactions involving compounds are studied in chemical kinetics.
- Chemical Reaction Mechanism: The mechanisms of chemical reactions involving compounds are studied to understand their behavior and kinetics.
- Chemical Composition: The chemical composition of a compound refers to the elements and their ratios that make up the compound.
- Chemical Structure: The chemical structure of a compound determines its properties and behavior.
- Substance: A compound is a substance made up of two or more different elements chemically combined.
- Chemical Thermodynamics: The thermodynamic properties of compounds, such as energy changes and phase transitions, are studied in chemical thermodynamics.
- Chemical Synthesis: Compounds can be synthesized through various chemical processes.
- Chemical Process: Compounds are involved in various chemical processes, such as synthesis, separation, and purification.
- Chemical Property: Compounds have unique chemical properties that depend on their composition and structure.
- Molecule: Many compounds exist as molecules, which are groups of atoms held together by chemical bonds.
- Chemical Bond: Compounds are formed by chemical bonds between atoms of different elements.
- Combination: A chemical compound is a combination of different elements in specific proportions.
- Chemical Industry: Compounds are widely used in various industries, such as pharmaceuticals, plastics, and materials.
- Mixture: A mixture can contain different compounds.