
Group: 2 #group-2


  • Capitalism: It provides a critical analysis of capitalism and its impact on desire and subjectivity.
  • Assemblage Theory: It is connected to Deleuze and Guattari’s assemblage theory, which focuses on the dynamic relationships between elements.
  • Capitalism and Schizophrenia: Anti-Oedipus is part of their two-volume work Capitalism and Schizophrenia.
  • Body without Organs: Deleuze and Guattari’s method of analyzing the unconscious and social systems.
  • Nomadology: Schizoanalysis is a method proposed by Deleuze and Guattari to analyze and resist the rigid structures of capitalism and psychoanalysis.
  • Capitalism and Schizophrenia: A method of analysis proposed by Deleuze and Guattari as an alternative to psychoanalysis
  • Desiring-Production: Schizoanalysis is concerned with the study of desiring-production, which is the production of desire and its flows.
  • Nomadology: Schizoanalysis is related to Deleuze and Guattari’s concept of nomadology, a way of thinking and living in constant movement.
  • Deterritorialization: Schizoanalysis is interested in processes of deterritorialization, which involve the destabilization of established structures and identities.
  • Plane of Immanence: Schizoanalysis is a method developed by Deleuze and Guattari for mapping and understanding the plane of immanence.
  • Molecular Revolution: It advocates for a molecular revolution against molar, rigid structures.
  • Rhizome: Schizoanalysis is based on the idea of the rhizome, a non-hierarchical, decentralized structure.
  • Deleuze: Schizoanalysis is Deleuze and Guattari’s method for analyzing and mapping the flows and productions of desire in social and political systems.
  • Body without Organs: Method of analyzing the unconscious processes of desire
  • Schizophrenic Process: Schizoanalysis draws on the concept of the schizophrenic process, which is a mode of thinking and experiencing that challenges traditional notions of identity and reality.
  • A Thousand Plateaus: Proposes schizoanalysis as a method for analyzing and understanding the workings of desire and the unconscious.
  • Micropolitics: Schizoanalysis is concerned with micropolitics, which is the study of the political dimensions of everyday life and the production of subjectivities.
  • Gilles Deleuze: Deleuze and Guattari’s approach to analyzing and mapping the flows and connections of desire in society.
  • Nomadic Subjectivity: Schizoanalysis is a method of analyzing and mapping nomadic subjectivities and their productions.
  • Deterritorialization: Schizoanalysis is a method proposed by Deleuze and Guattari for analyzing and deterritorializing the unconscious and social structures.
  • Anti-Oedipus: The concept of schizoanalysis was first introduced in Deleuze and Guattari’s book Anti-Oedipus.
  • Plane of Consistency: Schizoanalysis is a method for mapping the plane of consistency and its multiplicities.
  • Capitalism and Schizophrenia: Schizoanalysis is a key concept in Deleuze and Guattari’s two-volume work Capitalism and Schizophrenia.
  • Félix Guattari: Developed the concept of schizoanalysis with Deleuze
  • Nomadology: Schizoanalysis is a method proposed by Deleuze and Guattari that aligns with the principles of nomadology, seeking to map and analyze the flows and connections within social and psychic assemblages.
  • Poststructuralism: Schizoanalysis is influenced by and contributes to poststructuralist thought.
  • Capitalism and Schizophrenia: Deleuze and Guattari’s method of analyzing social and political structures
  • Body without Organs: Their method of analyzing the unconscious and desire
  • Nomadic Subjectivity: Schizoanalysis is a method developed by Deleuze and Guattari to analyze and map the processes of nomadic subjectivity and desiring-production.
  • Gilles Deleuze: Deleuze and Guattari’s approach to analyzing and understanding the capitalist system and its effects.
  • Difference and Repetition: The book lays the groundwork for the concept of schizoanalysis.
  • Deleuze and Guattari: Schizoanalysis is a concept developed by Deleuze and Guattari.
  • Body without Organs: The body without organs is a key concept in schizoanalysis, referring to a state of pure potential and desire, free from socially imposed constraints.
  • French Theory: Schizoanalysis is part of the broader tradition of French theory and continental philosophy.
  • Assemblage Theory: Proposes a method for analyzing and mapping the flows and connections within assemblages
  • Deterritorialization: It involves the process of deterritorialization, breaking away from fixed identities and structures.
  • Poststructuralism: Schizoanalysis is influenced by and contributes to the poststructuralist tradition, which challenges traditional notions of structure, identity, and meaning.
  • Schizoanalytic Cartographies: Schizoanalytic cartographies are maps or diagrams that aim to represent the complex and dynamic processes of desire and subjectivity.
  • Anti-Oedipus: Schizoanalysis is introduced in their book Anti-Oedipus.
  • Postmodernism: Schizoanalysis is often associated with postmodern thought, which questions grand narratives and embraces plurality, fragmentation, and deconstruction.
  • Immanence: Schizoanalysis is grounded in the principle of immanence, rejecting transcendent or external forces.
  • Postmodernism: It is also associated with postmodern philosophy and its critique of grand narratives.
  • Rhizome: Schizoanalysis employs the concept of the rhizome, which is a non-hierarchical, decentralized model of thought and organization.
  • Nomadology: Schizoanalysis is influenced by the concept of nomadology, which is a way of thinking and living that embraces movement, change, and deterritorialization.
  • Anti-Oedipus: Introduces the concept of schizoanalysis as a method of analyzing the unconscious
  • Schizoanalytic Cartographies: Schizoanalytic Cartographies are a form of schizoanalytic practice
  • Becoming: It emphasizes the process of becoming over fixed identities or states of being.
  • Semiotics: Schizoanalysis draws on semiotics, which is the study of signs and signification, to analyze the production of meaning and desire.
  • Assemblage Theory: Schizoanalysis is related to assemblage theory, which is a way of understanding the world as a dynamic and constantly changing assemblage of heterogeneous elements.
  • Desiring-production: It focuses on the concept of desiring-production, the productive force of desire.
  • Multiplicity: Schizoanalysis embraces multiplicity and rejects binary oppositions or dualities.
  • Lines of Flight: Lines of flight are analyzed through schizoanalysis, which is a method of mapping the flows and intensities of desire.
  • Machinic Assemblage: Schizoanalysis is a method for analyzing and mapping machinic assemblages.
  • Deterritorialization: Schizoanalysis is a method proposed by Deleuze and Guattari that involves deterritorializing established structures and identities.
  • Psychoanalysis: Schizoanalysis is a critical response to and alternative to traditional psychoanalysis.
  • Deleuze and Guattari: Schizoanalysis is a concept developed by the philosophers Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari.
  • Lines of Flight: Schizoanalysis, as proposed by Deleuze and Guattari, involves following the lines of flight and mapping the processes of deterritorialization.
  • Plane of Immanence: Schizoanalysis is a method proposed by Deleuze and Guattari for mapping the Plane of Immanence and its processes of desire and production.
  • Molecular Revolution: Schizoanalysis is concerned with the molecular revolution, which is a revolution of desire and the production of new subjectivities.
  • Deleuze and Guattari: They proposed schizoanalysis as a method for analyzing and disrupting the structures of capitalism and desire.
  • Body without Organs: Schizoanalysis and the concept of the body without organs are part of Deleuze and Guattari’s approach to analyzing and transforming social and political structures.
  • Multiplicity: Schizoanalysis embraces the concept of multiplicity, which is the idea that reality is composed of multiple, heterogeneous, and interconnected elements.
  • Body without Organs: The Body without Organs is a key concept in Schizoanalysis, representing a state of pure potential.
  • Deconstruction: Schizoanalysis employs deconstructive strategies to challenge and destabilize established structures and identities.
  • Psychoanalysis: Schizoanalysis offers a critique and alternative to traditional psychoanalysis.
  • Schizophrenic Process: Schizoanalysis draws on the schizophrenic process as a model for breaking down rigid structures.