
Group: 4 #group-4


  • Poststructuralism: Différance is a key concept introduced by Jacques Derrida, which challenges the idea of stable meanings and highlights the endless deferral of meaning.
  • Logocentrism: Différance challenges the logocentrism of Western metaphysics, which privileges speech over writing and presence over absence.
  • Spectrality: Différance is connected to the idea of spectrality, which refers to the ghostly, spectral nature of meaning and presence.
  • Deconstruction: The concept of différance is central to Derrida’s deconstruction.
  • Iterability: Différance is linked to the concept of iterability, which refers to the ability of a sign to be repeated and altered in different contexts.
  • Différance: Différance is a neologism that combines the French words ‘différer’ (to differ) and ‘différer’ (to defer), highlighting the deferral and differing of meaning.
  • French Theory: Derrida’s concept of différance, which highlights the instability of meaning, is central to French Theory.
  • Poststructuralism: Différance is a key concept in Derrida’s deconstruction, referring to the endless deferral of meaning in language.
  • Supplement: Différance is connected to Derrida’s idea of the supplement, which challenges the notion of a self-sufficient, complete presence.
  • Phallogocentrism: Différance is connected to Derrida’s critique of phallogocentrism, which refers to the privileging of the masculine and the logos in Western thought.
  • Logocentrism: The concept of différance, introduced by Derrida, challenges the logocentrism of presence and self-identity.
  • Aporia: Différance is connected to the concept of aporia, which refers to an impasse or paradox in logic or reasoning.
  • Deconstruction: The concept of différance, introduced by Derrida, is central to deconstruction.
  • Arche-writing: Différance is related to Derrida’s concept of arche-writing, which refers to the primordial inscription or trace that precedes and makes possible language and meaning.
  • Dissemination: Différance is related to Derrida’s concept of dissemination, which refers to the endless deferral and dispersal of meaning.
  • Deconstruction: Différance is a key concept in Derrida’s philosophy of deconstruction, which aims to destabilize and challenge traditional Western metaphysics.
  • Trace: Différance is related to Derrida’s concept of the trace, which refers to the absent presence or presence of absence in language and meaning.
  • Undecidability: Différance is linked to the idea of undecidability, which challenges the possibility of arriving at a final, stable meaning or decision.
  • Jacques Derrida: Différance was coined by the French philosopher Jacques Derrida as a central concept in his deconstructive philosophy.
  • Hauntology: Différance is related to Derrida’s concept of hauntology, which refers to the spectral presence of the past and the other in the present.
  • Metaphysics of Presence: Différance challenges the metaphysics of presence, which assumes the possibility of a self-present, self-identical meaning or being.