
Group: 3 #group-3


  • Group: A cluster is a group of similar things or entities.
  • Assemblage: An assemblage can be a cluster or group of related items or objects.
  • Agglomeration: A cluster is an agglomeration or a dense grouping of similar objects.
  • Bunch: A cluster can be referred to as a bunch or a group of things.
  • Grouping: Clustering is the process of grouping similar objects together.
  • Gathering: A cluster is a gathering or group of things or people positioned close together.
  • Set: A cluster is a set of elements that share common characteristics.
  • Aggregate: Aggregating can involve clustering related items together.
  • Cluster Analysis: Cluster analysis is a technique used to group similar objects into clusters.
  • Conglomeration: A cluster is a conglomeration or a mass of related things.
  • Assemblage: A cluster is an assemblage or a collection of things.
  • Accumulation: A cluster is an accumulation or a gathering of similar items.
  • Collection: A cluster is a collection of related items or objects.
  • Conglomeration: A conglomeration is a cluster of various elements or components.
  • Aggregate: Aggregating means clustering or grouping related items together.
  • Aggregate: A cluster is an aggregate or a combination of related parts.
  • Concentration: A cluster is a concentration or a dense region of similar entities.
  • Assemblage: An assemblage can be a cluster of related objects or items.