
Group: 5 #group-5


  • Free Association: Free association can tap into intuitive thinking and make connections beyond logical reasoning.
  • Synchronicity: Synchronicity is sometimes associated with intuition or a sense of knowing beyond rational explanation.
  • Spirituality: Spirituality often involves the development and trust in one’s intuition, or inner guidance, as a source of wisdom and insight.
  • Realization: Realization can be guided by intuition or a gut feeling.
  • A Priori Knowledge: Some philosophers, like Descartes and Kant, believed that a priori knowledge is obtained through intuition or pure reason.
  • Insight: Insight often comes from intuitive feelings or hunches.
  • Ways of Knowing: Intuition is a way of knowing that involves immediate understanding without conscious reasoning.
  • Bergson: Bergson emphasized the role of intuition in understanding reality
  • Embodied Knowledge: Embodied knowledge can manifest as intuitive understanding based on accumulated sensory experiences.