Rotational Symmetry

Group: 4 #group-4


  • Rotational Axis: The rotational axis is the fixed line or point about which an object is rotated to exhibit rotational symmetry.
  • Radial Symmetry: Radial symmetry is a special case of rotational symmetry, where an object can be rotated around a central axis and still look the same.
  • Molecular Structure: Many molecules exhibit rotational symmetry, which can influence their physical and chemical properties.
  • Cyclic Group: The set of rotations that leave an object unchanged forms a cyclic group under composition.
  • Crystallography: Rotational symmetry is an important concept in crystallography, as it describes the arrangement of atoms or molecules in a crystal structure.
  • Fold Symmetry: Fold symmetry is often combined with rotational symmetry operations.
  • Dihedral Group: The dihedral group describes the symmetries of a regular polygon, including both rotations and reflections.
  • Ornamental Design: Rotational symmetry is often used in ornamental designs, such as in architecture, textiles, and decorative arts.
  • Kaleidoscope: Kaleidoscopes create patterns with rotational symmetry by reflecting and rotating images.
  • Cyclic Permutation: Cyclic permutations are related to rotational symmetry, as they describe the rearrangement of elements in a cyclic manner.
  • Rosette: A rosette is a circular design with rotational symmetry, often used in architecture and decorative arts.
  • Regular Polygon: Regular polygons exhibit rotational symmetry, where the polygon can be rotated by a fraction of a full turn and still look the same.
  • Snowflake: Snowflakes exhibit rotational symmetry due to the way water molecules arrange themselves as they freeze.
  • Rotation Matrix: Rotation matrices are used to represent rotations in linear algebra and are related to the study of rotational symmetry.
  • Frieze Pattern: Frieze patterns, which are repeated designs on a horizontal strip, can exhibit rotational symmetry.
  • Mandala: Mandalas are circular designs with rotational symmetry, often used in spiritual and religious contexts.
  • Wallpaper Pattern: Wallpaper patterns often exhibit rotational symmetry, with repeated motifs that can be rotated and still match the overall pattern.
  • Geometric Transformation: Rotational symmetry is a type of geometric transformation where an object remains unchanged after a rotation about a fixed point or axis.
  • Rotational Invariance: Rotational invariance is a property of objects or systems that remain unchanged under rotations.
  • Symmetry Group: The set of all rotations that leave an object unchanged forms a symmetry group, which is a fundamental concept in group theory.