Group: 4 #group-4
- Arrangement: A structure is an arrangement of interconnected parts or elements.
- Construction: A structure is constructed or built according to a specific plan or design.
- System: A structure can be viewed as a system with interconnected and interdependent parts.
- Form: Form refers to the arrangement or structure of something.
- Order: Order requires a defined structure or framework.
- Composition: A structure is composed of various elements or components arranged in a particular way.
- Framework: A structure serves as a framework or foundation for something to be built upon.
- Layout: The layout provides the structural framework for a design, defining the relationships between different components.
- Composition: Composition involves organizing and structuring various elements into a unified whole.
- Architecture: The architecture of a structure refers to its overall design and construction.
- Hierarchy: Many structures have a hierarchical organization with different levels or layers.
- Order: A structure imposes order and organization on its elements.
- Configuration: The configuration of a structure refers to the way its components are arranged and interconnected.
- Design: A structure is designed and planned according to specific principles or requirements.
- Organization: A structure provides organization and arranges elements into a coherent whole.
- Infrastructure: The infrastructure of a system or organization refers to its underlying structure.
- Physical Form: Physical forms have an underlying structure or arrangement of parts.
- Plan: A structure is built according to a plan or blueprint.
- Scaffold: A scaffold provides a temporary structure for supporting construction or repair work.
- Skeleton: The structure of something can be thought of as its skeleton or underlying framework.
- Edifice: An edifice is a large and imposing structure, often referring to buildings.
- Anatomy: The structure of an organism or system can be studied through its anatomy.
- Composition: Composition involves organizing and structuring ideas and content.
- Arrangement: An arrangement creates a specific structure or pattern for elements.
- Formation: A structure is formed by assembling or arranging parts in a particular configuration.
- Pattern: A structure follows a particular pattern or arrangement of parts.
- Pattern: Patterns provide a structural framework or arrangement.