
Group: 4 #group-4


  • Topological Spaces: Topological spaces are the fundamental objects of study in topology, consisting of a set and a collection of open sets.
  • Computational Topology: Computational topology develops algorithms and software to study and visualize topological spaces and their properties.
  • Dynamical Systems: Topology provides tools to study the long-term behavior and stability of dynamical systems.
  • Differential Topology: Differential topology studies the properties of smooth manifolds and smooth maps between them.
  • Homotopy Theory: Homotopy theory is a branch of topology that studies the deformation of topological objects.
  • Algebraic Topology: Algebraic topology uses algebraic techniques to study topological spaces and their invariants.
  • Compactness: Compactness is a property of topological spaces that ensures certain infinite processes can be approximated by finite ones.
  • Origami Mathematics: Origami explores topological properties of surfaces and their deformations.
  • Homology Theory: Homology theory is a tool in algebraic topology that assigns algebraic objects to topological spaces to study their properties.
  • Metric Spaces: Metric spaces are topological spaces with a notion of distance, providing a way to quantify closeness and continuity.
  • Manifolds: Manifolds are topological spaces that locally resemble Euclidean space and are fundamental objects of study in topology.
  • Fiber Bundles: Fiber bundles are topological spaces that locally resemble a product of two spaces and are important in many areas of topology.
  • Complex Geometry: Topology is the study of geometric properties that are preserved under continuous deformations, which is fundamental for understanding complex geometric structures.
  • Knot Theory: Knot theory is a branch of topology that studies the mathematical properties of knots.
  • Smooth Space: Topology provides the foundation for the study of smooth manifolds.
  • Topological Groups: Topological groups are groups endowed with a topology that makes the group operations continuous.
  • Homeomorphisms: Homeomorphisms are continuous functions with a continuous inverse, preserving topological properties between spaces.
  • Fiber Bundles: Fiber bundles are studied in the field of topology, which deals with the properties of geometric objects that are preserved under continuous deformations.
  • Geometry: Topology is a branch of geometry that studies the properties of geometric objects that are preserved under continuous deformations.
  • Algebraic Geometry: Algebraic geometry uses techniques from topology to study geometric objects defined by polynomial equations.
  • Cohomology Theory: Cohomology theory is a dual concept to homology theory and is another tool in algebraic topology.
  • Connectedness: Connectedness is a topological property that describes whether a space is a single piece or can be separated into disjoint parts.
  • Continuous Functions: Continuous functions are functions that preserve the topological structure of spaces and are a key concept in topology.