Group: 4 #group-4
- Rhizomatic Learning: Rhizomatic learning aligns with constructivist principles of knowledge construction.
- Non-linear Learning: Constructivism is a learning theory that emphasizes the active construction of knowledge by learners, which aligns with the non-linear nature of learning.
- Grounded Theory: Grounded Theory is rooted in the constructivist paradigm, where reality is socially constructed.
- Cybernetic Epistemology: Cybernetic epistemology is closely related to constructivism, which posits that knowledge is actively constructed by the knower.
- Subjective Reality: Constructivism posits that individuals construct their own subjective realities based on their experiences and interactions.
- Rhizomatic Learning: Rhizomatic learning aligns with constructivist principles, where learners actively construct their own knowledge and understanding.