Group: 4 #group-4
- Repository: A trove is a repository or storehouse of valuable or desirable items.
- Collection: A trove is a collection of valuable or desirable items.
- Collection: A valuable collection is sometimes referred to as a trove.
- Stockpile: A trove is a stockpile or accumulation of valuable or desirable items.
- Wealth: A trove is a collection that represents wealth or riches.
- Motherlode: A trove can be a motherlode or rich source of valuable items.
- Accumulation: A trove is an accumulation or collection of valuable or desirable items.
- Treasure Trove: A trove is a treasure trove or collection of treasures.
- Storehouse: A trove is a storehouse or collection of valuable or desirable items.
- Archive: A trove can be an archive or collection of valuable historical items.
- Vault: A trove is a vault or secure storage for valuable items.
- Hoard: A trove can be a hoard or stockpile of valuable items.
- Abundance: A trove implies an abundance or wealth of valuable or desirable items.
- Jackpot: A trove is a jackpot or valuable collection of desirable items.
- Goldmine: A trove is a goldmine or rich source of valuable items.
- Cache: A trove can be a cache or hidden store of valuable items.
- Riches: A trove is a collection of riches or valuable items.
- Treasure: A trove is often used to refer to a collection of treasures or valuable items.
- Bonanza: A trove is a bonanza or valuable discovery of desirable items.
- Windfall: A trove can be an unexpected windfall or valuable find.