Inborn Trait

Group: 4 #group-4


  • Inherence: Inherence can be used to describe inborn traits or characteristics that are inherent from birth.
  • Innate Ability: Some inborn traits manifest as innate abilities, natural talents or aptitudes present from birth.
  • Genetic: An inborn trait is often determined by one’s genetic makeup.
  • Temperament: Inborn traits can influence one’s temperament, or natural disposition or character.
  • Genetic Predisposition: Inborn traits often arise from genetic predispositions, or an increased likelihood of developing certain traits based on genetics.
  • Disposition: Inborn traits shape one’s disposition, or prevailing tendency or inclination.
  • Nature vs. Nurture: The concept of inborn traits relates to the nature vs. nurture debate on the influences of genetics and environment.
  • Inherent: Inborn traits are inherent, existing as an essential characteristic.
  • Intrinsic: Inborn traits are intrinsic, belonging naturally or essentially.
  • Inborn Talent: Inborn talents are special inborn traits, natural abilities or aptitudes in a particular area.
  • Inherited Characteristic: Inborn traits are inherited characteristics, passed down from parents through genes.
  • Congenital: Inborn traits are congenital, existing at or dating from birth.
  • Genetic Makeup: Inborn traits are influenced by one’s overall genetic makeup, the combination of genes inherited from parents.
  • Biological Determinism: The idea of inborn traits aligns with biological determinism, the belief that biological factors determine human behavior and traits.
  • Natural: Inborn traits are natural, not acquired or learned.
  • Inbred: Inborn traits are inbred, bred into the stock or strain.
  • Hereditary: Inborn traits are hereditary, passed down from parents to offspring.
  • Personality Trait: Many inborn traits relate to personality traits, enduring patterns of thoughts and behaviors.
  • Instinctive: Some inborn traits are instinctive, arising from natural impulses or tendencies.
  • Innate: Inborn traits are innate, existing from birth or originating naturally.