
Group: 2 #group-2


  • Combination: An assemblage is a combination of different parts or elements.
  • Lines of Flight: Lines of flight are part of the dynamic processes of assemblages, which are constantly being deterritorialized and reterritorialized.
  • Assortment: An assemblage is an assortment of various items or materials.
  • Buildup: Buildup is the process of assembling or bringing together different elements or components.
  • Deleuze and Guattari: They developed the idea of assemblages, which are dynamic configurations of heterogeneous elements.
  • Cluster: An assemblage can be a cluster or group of related items or objects.
  • Reterritorialization: Reterritorialization can be seen as the formation of new assemblages of identities, territories, and power relations.
  • Conglomeration: A conglomeration is an assemblage of various elements or components.
  • A Thousand Plateaus: Introduces the concept of assemblages, which are dynamic and heterogeneous wholes composed of diverse elements.
  • Miscellany: An assemblage is a miscellany or diverse collection of different objects or materials.
  • Nomadic Subjectivity: Nomadic subjectivity is seen as an assemblage of various forces, desires, and connections, rather than a unified whole.
  • Plane of Consistency: The plane of consistency is composed of assemblages of heterogeneous elements.
  • Plane of Immanence: The plane of immanence is composed of assemblages, or temporary configurations of elements that come together and disperse.
  • Gilles Deleuze: Deleuze and Guattari’s concept of assemblages, which are wholes composed of heterogeneous elements.
  • Combination: An assemblage is a combination of different elements or materials.
  • Accumulation: An assemblage is an accumulation of various items or materials.
  • Nomadology: Nomadology conceptualizes identities and social formations as assemblages, which are dynamic and constantly changing configurations of elements.
  • Deterritorialization: Deterritorialization is a process that occurs within assemblages, which are heterogeneous wholes composed of diverse elements.
  • Territorialization: Assemblages are heterogeneous arrangements of elements that can either territorialize or deterritorialize, depending on their specific configurations and interactions.
  • Nomadology: Nomadology conceptualizes assemblages as temporary and fluid configurations of heterogeneous elements, rather than stable and fixed structures.
  • Synthesis: An assemblage can be a synthesis or combination of different elements into a unified whole.
  • Grouping: An assemblage is a grouping of different items or elements.
  • Potpourri: An assemblage can be a potpourri of various elements or items.
  • Gathering: An assemblage is a gathering or bringing together of various things.
  • Deterritorialization: Deterritorialization is a process that occurs within assemblages, which are dynamic configurations of elements.
  • Gilles Deleuze: Deleuze and Guattari’s concept of assemblages, heterogeneous wholes composed of diverse elements.
  • Deterritorialization: Deterritorialization is a process of disassembling and reassembling assemblages, creating new connections and relations.
  • Conglomeration: An assemblage is a conglomeration of different components or objects.
  • Nomadology: Nomadology conceptualizes assemblages as temporary and fluid configurations of heterogeneous elements.
  • Cluster: A cluster is an assemblage or a collection of things.
  • Group: An assemblage is a group of different objects or components brought together.
  • Body without Organs: Concept of heterogeneous elements coming together in a dynamic whole
  • Collage: Assemblage is a related art form that involves constructing three-dimensional compositions from found objects.
  • Composition: An assemblage is a composition made by combining various elements or objects.
  • Deleuze: Deleuze’s concept of assemblages describes the dynamic interplay of heterogeneous elements in complex systems.
  • Medley: An assemblage can be a medley or mixture of different items or elements.
  • Transcendental Empiricism: Transcendental Empiricism conceives of reality as a series of assemblages, or temporary configurations of elements.
  • Compilation: An assemblage is a compilation of diverse elements or objects.
  • Compilation: An assemblage is a compilation or combination of different elements.
  • Miscellany: An assemblage is a miscellany of different objects or materials.
  • Body without Organs: The BwO is an assemblage of flows, intensities, and becomings
  • Accumulation: An assemblage is an accumulation or collection of different objects or materials.
  • Aggregate: An assemblage is an aggregate or combination of different parts or elements.
  • Amalgamation: An assemblage is an amalgamation or blending of different materials or objects.
  • Multiplicity: Assemblages are multiplicities composed of heterogeneous elements in Deleuze and Guattari’s philosophy.
  • Body without Organs: A multiplicity of heterogeneous elements that enter into relations of movement and rest.
  • Collage: An assemblage is similar to a collage, where different materials or objects are combined.
  • Lines of Flight: Lines of flight are part of the dynamic processes of assemblage, where heterogeneous elements come together and break apart.
  • Collection: A collection is an assemblage of objects.
  • Collection: An assemblage is a collection of items or objects brought together.
  • Gathering: An assemblage is a gathering or collection of people or things.
  • Arrangement: An assemblage involves the arrangement of different components into a unified whole.
  • Conglomeration: An assemblage is a conglomeration or combination of different parts or elements.
  • Cluster: An assemblage can be a cluster of related objects or items.
  • Montage: An assemblage can be a montage or composite of different elements or components.
  • Gathering: An assemblage is a gathering of different objects or components.
  • Composition: An assemblage is a composition made by combining various elements or materials.
  • Medley: An assemblage can be a medley of diverse components or items.
  • Montage: An assemblage can be a montage of various elements or objects arranged together.
  • Nomadic Subjectivity: Nomadic Subjectivity is seen as an assemblage of various forces and flows, rather than a unified, stable identity.
  • Collage: An assemblage is similar to a collage, where different materials or objects are combined into a unified composition.
  • Amalgamation: An assemblage is an amalgamation of diverse elements or materials.
  • Plane of Immanence: The Plane of Immanence is populated by assemblages, which are temporary configurations of heterogeneous elements.
  • Potpourri: An assemblage can be a potpourri or varied mixture of different elements or components.
  • Assortment: An assemblage is an assortment or variety of different items or components.
  • Reterritorialization: Reterritorialization can involve the formation of new assemblages or configurations of elements.
  • Rhizome Theory: Conceptualizes phenomena as assemblages of heterogeneous elements
  • Set: An assemblage can be a set of objects or items combined together.
  • Arrangement: An assemblage involves the arrangement of different components in a particular way.
  • Aggregate: An assemblage is an aggregate of different components or elements.