
Group: 4 #group-4


  • Physical Form: A physical form is a substantial entity with a tangible presence.
  • Density: Density is a physical property of a substance that relates its mass to its volume.
  • Constituent: The constituents of a substance are the individual components or ingredients that make it up.
  • Essence: The essence of something is its fundamental nature or substance.
  • Ingredient: An ingredient is a substance that is part of a mixture or compound.
  • Volume: Volume is a measure of the three-dimensional space occupied by a substance.
  • Chemical Properties: Chemical properties are characteristics of a substance that describe its potential to undergo a chemical change or reaction.
  • Solution: A solution is a type of mixture where one substance is dissolved in another.
  • Composition: The composition of a substance refers to the elements or compounds that make it up.
  • Gas: A gas is one of the fundamental states of matter, where the substance has no defined shape or volume and expands to fill its container.
  • Mass: Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in a substance.
  • Liquid: A liquid is one of the fundamental states of matter, where the substance has a defined volume but takes the shape of its container.
  • Metaphysics: Metaphysics explores the concept of substance and what it means for something to be a fundamental bearer of properties.
  • Element: An element is a pure substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means.
  • Solid: A solid is one of the fundamental states of matter, where the substance has a defined shape and volume.
  • Compound: A compound is a substance made up of two or more different elements chemically combined.
  • Physical Properties: Physical properties are characteristics of a substance that can be observed or measured without changing its composition, such as color, density, and melting point.
  • Essence: In metaphysics, essence is sometimes equated with the substance or underlying reality of an entity.
  • Mixture: A mixture is a substance made up of two or more different materials that are physically combined but not chemically combined.
  • Reactivity: Reactivity refers to the tendency of a substance to undergo chemical reactions and the conditions under which these reactions occur.
  • Matter: A substance is a type of matter, which is anything that has mass and takes up space.
  • Material: A substance is a type of material, which is a broad term for any physical matter.
  • Substance Monism: In Substance Monism, there is only one fundamental substance that underlies all reality.
  • Aristotelian Causality: Aristotelian causality is based on Aristotle’s concept of substance, which is the underlying essence or nature of a thing.