
Group: 4 #group-4


  • Originality: Authentic things are original and not copied or imitated.
  • Naturalness: Authentic things or behaviors are natural and not forced or artificial.
  • Integrity: Authentic people have integrity and act in accordance with their values and beliefs.
  • Individuality: Authenticity celebrates individuality and personal identity.
  • Validity: Authenticity lends validity and credibility to something.
  • Honest: Authenticity is closely tied to honesty and truthfulness.
  • Trustworthy: Authenticity fosters trust and reliability.
  • Sincere: Authentic implies sincerity and truthfulness in one’s actions and expressions.
  • Transparency: Authenticity involves transparency and openness, without pretense or deception.
  • Veracity: Authenticity implies veracity, or the quality of being true and accurate.
  • Truthfulness: Being authentic means being truthful and not deceptive.
  • Credible: Authentic things or people are seen as credible and trustworthy.
  • Genuine: Authentic means being genuine, real, and not artificial or fake.
  • Unpretentious: Authenticity is associated with being unpretentious and free from pretense or affectation.
  • Actual: Actual things are authentic or genuine, not artificial or simulated.
  • Self-expression: Being authentic allows for genuine self-expression and staying true to oneself.
  • Unaffected: Authentic people are unaffected by external pressures and remain true to themselves.
  • Real: Authentic refers to something that is real and not imitated or copied.
  • Uniqueness: Authenticity is associated with uniqueness and individuality.
  • Legitimacy: Authentic things or actions are legitimate and not counterfeit or fraudulent.