
Group: 4 #group-4


  • Physicality: Physicality is the state or quality of being physical or material, as opposed to abstract or intangible.
  • Objectification: Objectification is the act of representing an abstract idea or concept as a concrete object or thing.
  • Personification: Personification is the representation of an abstract idea or concept as a person or human-like entity.
  • Materialization: Materialization is the process of making something abstract or theoretical into a physical or concrete form.
  • Realization: Realization is the process of making something abstract or theoretical into a concrete or tangible reality.
  • Embodiment: Embodiment is the concretization or making concrete and tangible of something that was previously abstract or intangible.
  • Tangibility: Tangibility is the quality of being concrete, physical, or capable of being perceived by the senses.
  • Solidification: Solidification is the process of making something abstract or intangible into a solid or concrete form.
  • Reification: Reification is the process of treating an abstract concept as a concrete, material thing.
  • Incarnation: Incarnation is the embodiment or manifestation of an abstract idea or concept in a concrete or physical form.
  • Enactment: Enactment is the concretization or giving physical form to an abstract concept.
  • Physical Form: A physical form is the concretization or embodiment of something in a material or tangible way.
  • Crystallization: Crystallization is the process of forming a solid or concrete structure from an abstract or amorphous state.
  • Actualization: Actualization is the process of making something abstract or theoretical into a concrete reality.
  • Embodiment: Embodiment is the representation or expression of an abstract idea in a concrete or tangible form.
  • Manifestation: Manifestation is the process of making something abstract or intangible into a concrete or visible form.
  • Substantiation: Substantiation is the process of providing concrete evidence or proof for an abstract idea or claim.