
Group: 4 #group-4


  • Partitioning: Fragmentation involves partitioning or dividing something into distinct parts or segments.
  • Fractionation: Fragmentation can involve the fractionation or separation of something into distinct fractions or components.
  • Dismemberment: Fragmentation can involve the dismemberment or tearing apart of something into separate parts or limbs.
  • Discontinuity: Fragmentation can create discontinuity or a lack of continuity between parts or elements.
  • Separation: Fragmentation separates or splits something into distinct fragments or components.
  • Asexual Reproduction: Fragmentation is a type of asexual reproduction where a parent organism breaks into fragments, and each fragment develops into a new individual.
  • Atomization: Fragmentation can lead to the atomization or breaking down of something into its smallest constituent parts or atoms.
  • Compartmentalization: Fragmentation can involve compartmentalizing or dividing something into separate compartments or sections.
  • Dispersal: Fragmentation can result in the dispersal or spreading out of parts or components.
  • Breakdown: Fragmentation can lead to the breakdown or disintegration of something into smaller components.
  • Fracturing: Fragmentation involves the fracturing or breaking of something into fragments or parts.
  • Shattering: Fragmentation can cause something to shatter or break into many small fragments or pieces.
  • Deconstruction in Architecture: Deconstruction in Architecture often involves fragmentation of forms and spaces.
  • Postmodernism: Postmodern works often exhibit fragmentation and a rejection of traditional narrative structures.
  • Parceling: Fragmentation can involve parceling or dividing something into smaller parcels or portions.
  • Partitioning: Partitioning can lead to fragmentation, where a whole is broken into smaller fragments.
  • Segmentation: Fragmentation involves the segmentation or division of something into separate segments or parts.
  • Disintegration: Fragmentation can cause something to disintegrate or break down into smaller fragments or pieces.
  • Scattering: Fragmentation can lead to the scattering or dispersal of parts or elements in different directions.
  • Balkanization: Fragmentation can result in the balkanization or division of something into smaller, mutually hostile parts or regions.
  • Splintering: Fragmentation can cause something to splinter or break into smaller fragments or splinters.
  • Vegetative Reproduction: Fragmentation is a form of vegetative reproduction where a new individual develops from a fragment or piece of the parent organism.
  • Disunity: Fragmentation can lead to a lack of unity or cohesion, resulting in disunity or disintegration.
  • Rejection of Grand Narratives: The rejection of grand narratives is linked to a sense of fragmentation and the recognition of multiple, competing perspectives and narratives.
  • Division: Fragmentation involves the division or breaking apart of something into smaller parts or pieces.