Map Folding
Group: 4 #group-4
- Fold Line: Fold lines are used for folding maps in cartography.
- Origami: Map folding involves folding techniques similar to those used in origami, the Japanese art of paper folding.
- Map Symbolization: Map folding may involve the use of symbols and visual representations to convey geographic information.
- Map Projection: Map folding is a way to represent a map projection, which is a systematic transformation of the Earth’s surface onto a flat plane.
- Map Use: Folded maps are designed for practical use, such as navigation, education, or visualization.
- Cartographic Abstraction: Map folding involves abstracting and simplifying geographic information to create a representation that can be folded and manipulated.
- Spatial Reasoning: Map folding requires spatial reasoning skills to understand how a three-dimensional surface is represented on a two-dimensional plane.
- Map Scale: Map folding may involve adjusting the scale of a map to fit the desired representation or folding pattern.
- Spatial Visualization: Map folding requires spatial visualization skills to understand how a three-dimensional surface can be represented on a two-dimensional plane.
- Paper Crafts: Map folding is a form of paper craft, involving the manipulation of paper to create a three-dimensional representation.
- Cartographic Communication: Map folding is a way to communicate geographic information in a compact and visually appealing manner.
- Cartographic Design: Map folding is a design technique used in cartography to create visually appealing and informative maps.
- Cartography: Map folding is a technique used in cartography to represent geographic information on a flat surface.
- Map Reading: Folded maps require specific skills for map reading and interpretation, as the representation may be distorted or abstracted.
- Folding Techniques: Map folding involves various folding techniques, such as valley folds, mountain folds, and reverse folds.
- Navigation: Folded maps can be used for navigation purposes, providing a compact and portable representation of geographic information.
- Cartographic Visualization: Map folding is a technique used in cartographic visualization to represent geographic information in a visually appealing and informative manner.
- Geometry: Map folding involves geometric principles, such as angles, shapes, and spatial relationships.
- Cartographic Generalization: Map folding often involves cartographic generalization, which is the process of simplifying geographic information for representation on a map.
- Topography: Map folding can be used to represent topographic features, such as mountains, valleys, and terrain.