
Group: 2 #group-2


  • Transition: Becoming is a transitional process, where one moves from one state or phase to another.
  • Attainment: Becoming is the process of attaining a desired state, whether it’s a new skill, mindset, or way of being.
  • Fulfillment: Becoming is often associated with fulfillment, as it represents the realization of one’s potential or aspirations.
  • Difference and Repetition: The book explores the concept of becoming.
  • Gilles Deleuze: Deleuze’s concept of becoming, which challenges fixed identities and emphasizes constant change and transformation.
  • Body without Organs: The process of change and transformation, rather than fixed identities.
  • Machinic Assemblage: Machinic Assemblages are sites of becoming, where new forms and connections emerge.
  • Deterritorialization: Deterritorialization is linked to the idea of becoming, which emphasizes processes of change and transformation.
  • Adaptation: Becoming often involves adaptation, adjusting and changing to fit new circumstances or environments.
  • Plane of Immanence: The Plane of Immanence emphasizes the process of becoming, or the constant flux and transformation of entities, rather than fixed identities.
  • Transition: Becoming is a transitional process, moving from one state or condition to another.
  • Nomadic Subjectivity: Nomadic Subjectivity emphasizes a constant state of becoming, rather than fixed being.
  • Lines of Flight: Lines of flight are processes of becoming, involving transformations and the creation of new possibilities.
  • Nomadology: Nomadology emphasizes the process of becoming, which is a continuous state of flux and transformation, rather than fixed identities.
  • Assemblage Theory: Assemblages are in a constant state of becoming, rather than being fixed entities.
  • Self-Improvement: Becoming is closely tied to self-improvement, as it involves the continuous effort to grow, develop, and become the best version of oneself.
  • Realization: Becoming is the realization of something, bringing it into existence or making it real.
  • Progress: Becoming represents progress, as it involves moving forward and advancing towards a desired state or goal.
  • Fulfillment: Becoming can be seen as the fulfillment of a potential or purpose, the achievement of a desired state or goal.
  • Emergence: Becoming often involves the emergence of something new, previously unrealized or undeveloped.
  • Deleuze and Guattari: Their philosophy emphasized the concept of becoming, a continuous process of change and transformation.
  • Adaptation: Becoming often requires adaptation, as one adjusts and responds to new circumstances or challenges.
  • Renewal: Becoming can represent renewal, the revitalization or rebirth of something into a new or improved state.
  • Conversion: Becoming can involve a conversion or shift in perspective, beliefs, or way of life.
  • Growth: Becoming often implies growth, development, and progress towards a new state or form.
  • Plane of Consistency: The plane of consistency is the plane of continuous becomings and transformations.
  • Nomadic Subjectivity: Nomadic subjectivity emphasizes a constant state of becoming, rather than fixed identities or essences.
  • Reterritorialization: Reterritorialization is a process of constant becoming, where identities and territories are always in flux.
  • Lines of Flight: Lines of flight are processes of becoming, where identities are in a constant state of flux and transformation.
  • Maturation: Becoming can be seen as a process of maturation, growing and developing towards a more complete or mature state.
  • Evolving: Evolution is a process of becoming, where something moves towards a new state or form.
  • Reterritorialization: Reterritorialization is related to the concept of becoming, as it involves the constant re-negotiation of identities and territories.
  • Development: Becoming is closely tied to development, the gradual unfolding and realization of potential.
  • Immanence: Becoming and immanence are central concepts in Deleuze’s philosophy, emphasizing processes of change and the rejection of transcendence.
  • Body without Organs: Involves a process of becoming rather than being
  • Progress: Becoming suggests progress, moving forward towards a new or more advanced state.
  • Difference and Repetition: The book emphasizes the process of becoming over static being.
  • Gilles Deleuze: Deleuze’s concept of becoming, a process of constant change and flux, rather than fixed states of being.
  • Territorialization: The concept of becoming, central to Deleuze and Guattari’s philosophy, challenges the idea of fixed identities and territories, emphasizing the constant process of change and transformation.
  • Schizoanalysis: It emphasizes the process of becoming over fixed identities or states of being.
  • Assemblage Theory: Focuses on processes of change and transformation rather than fixed states
  • Actualization: Becoming is the actualization of potential, the realization of what was previously only possible.
  • Deterritorialization: Deterritorialization is a process of becoming, of constantly transforming and creating new assemblages.
  • Transcendental Empiricism: Transcendental Empiricism focuses on the process of becoming, rather than on fixed identities or essences.
  • Nomadology: Nomadology emphasizes the process of becoming over fixed states of being, highlighting the constant flux and transformation of identities.
  • Accomplishment: Becoming can involve the accomplishment of goals or milestones along one’s journey of growth and development.
  • Possibility: Becoming opens up new possibilities, creating opportunities for change and growth.
  • Metamorphosis: Becoming can involve a profound metamorphosis, a complete change in form or nature.
  • Realization: Becoming involves the realization of one’s aspirations, goals, or true self.
  • Rhizome Theory: Focuses on processes of becoming rather than fixed states of being
  • Evolution: Becoming can be seen as an evolutionary process, where something changes and adapts over time.
  • Development: Becoming is closely tied to development, as it involves the gradual unfolding and realization of one’s potential.
  • A Thousand Plateaus: Explores the concept of becoming, which challenges fixed identities and embraces constant change and transformation.
  • Evolution: Becoming can be seen as an evolutionary process, where one evolves and develops over time.
  • Emergence: Becoming represents the emergence of something new, whether it’s a new identity, skill, or way of being.
  • Maturation: Becoming is often associated with maturation, as it involves the process of growing and maturing over time.
  • Nomadology: Nomadology emphasizes the process of becoming, rather than fixed states of being, and the constant flux and transformation of identities and subjectivities.
  • Capitalism and Schizophrenia: Explores the concept of becoming as a process of change and transformation
  • Growth: Becoming often implies growth, whether personal, professional, or spiritual.
  • Change: Becoming involves change, as it represents a process of transformation or transition.
  • Plane of Immanence: The plane of immanence is a space of constant becoming, where identities and forms are always in flux.
  • Actualization: Becoming can be seen as a journey towards self-actualization, where one strives to realize their full potential.
  • Change: Becoming involves change, a process of transformation or alteration.
  • Transcendence: Becoming can be seen as a process of transcendence, where one moves beyond their current limitations or boundaries.
  • Potentiality: Becoming involves the actualization of potentiality, the realization of what was previously only potential.
  • Transformation: Becoming is a transformative process, where one undergoes a significant change or metamorphosis.
  • Deterritorialization: Deterritorialization is a process of becoming, of breaking free from fixed identities and categories.
  • Conversion: Becoming can involve conversion, a profound change or transformation in form, nature, or function.
  • Body without Organs: Process of constant change and transformation
  • Metamorphosis: Becoming can be likened to a metamorphosis, where a profound and radical change takes place.
  • Transformation: Becoming is a transformative process, involving a significant change or metamorphosis.
  • Deleuze: Deleuze’s philosophy emphasizes processes of becoming over static states of being.
  • Reformation: Becoming can be a process of reformation, reshaping or reorganizing something into a new form.