Aristotelian Philosophy

Group: 4 #group-4


  • Summa Theologica: Aquinas incorporated Aristotelian philosophy into the Summa Theologica, synthesizing it with Christian theology.
  • Thomism: Thomism is heavily influenced by Aristotelian philosophy, incorporating Aristotle’s ideas on metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics.
  • Thomas Aquinas: Aquinas drew heavily from Aristotelian philosophy, integrating it with Christian theology.
  • Analogy of Being: The Analogy of Being draws on Aristotelian principles, such as causality, act and potency, and the distinction between essence and existence.
  • Medieval Philosophy: Medieval philosophers heavily relied on and interpreted the works of Aristotle.
  • Univocal Predication: The concept of univocal predication has its roots in Aristotelian philosophy and the analysis of language and meaning.