“Ideas rose in crowds; I felt them collide until pairs interlocked, so to speak, making a stable combination.” —Henri Poincaré

“We have too many things and not enough forms.” —Flaubert, Préface à la d’écrivain

Hello Dear,

Welcome to Constellations by Johan.

This is an alive, web-based experiment. constellations is a site of play and unlimited inquiry. It’s a record of thought, actively updated, that is itself an invitation for your participation. Your engagement with the constellations project will become part of the contextual subject that it seeks to respond towards. That’s to say, how you use this site as a prompt to your play will itself expand upon how this project acts as a room for play (spielraum).

Good place to start is 2024-01-12, on the approach to this site, and AI probes such as 2024-01-17 which probes into AI’s internal structures, and 2024-01-18 on recent work in human-AI symbiosis. Another thread is the Algorithms in the World project.

As the project is in its earliest stages, it remains wide open for you to get involved. Send me material—visual, acoustic, written, interactive—or even use this project as a prompt to your own practice. Sending in questions prompted by this work is the highest form of flattery short of imitation. At this stage in the process, whatever you send in will find its way back on to this project (unless you ask that it not). Consider Getting Involved.

Always midways,
